Together against homophobia in sport!
Hosted by AG Sport und Bewegung – vielbunt e.V.,
Despite the increasing acceptance of the society towards the LGBTQA community,
there is hardly any power and strength in the still conservative and
traditional area such as sports. This was the main focus of the event,
to educate people on how to fight against homophobia and discrimination in sports.

For the opening remarks,Vice President of Landessportbund Hessen, Ralph Reiner Klatt
gave an inspiring introduction about the LGBTQ community in sports and society.
Meanwhile,the noted historian and initiator of the exhibition Dr. Klaus Sator (not in photos),
presented a clear understanding and background on the issue.
The event was also supported by the Darmstadt Mayor Jochen Partsch. There was also an exhibit of world renowned athletes who are members of the LBGTQA community. 12. bis 19. August 2017 Karo 5, TU Darmstadt, Karolinenplatz 5, 64289 Darmstadt Feierliche Eröffnung: Samstag, 12. August um 15 Uhr