“No, it’s not from Hogwarts”.
Philippines. The pandemic has caused so much anxiety to everyone. So stories that gives us a positive outlook is something that every netizen need right now.
This baby owl was found by netizen Leah Marcos fb@Lei Yah in Pasig City. She said that they were surprised to find this adorable guest in their home’s second floor. They immediately contacted authorities for the safety and proper care of the little owl.
The Owl is now in the care of RAVE Rainforest or Pasig Rainforest Park, also known as Pasig City Rainforest Adventure Experience and Pasig Central Park, is a public park in Pasig for check-up before turning it over to the DENR.
One of the Philippines rarest owl is the Bubo philippensis or the Philippine Eagle Owl is a rare bird type, which was declared vulnerable and decreasing in number.
Bubo philippensis or the Philippine Eagle Owl
Endemic only to the Philippines, this type of owl has been categorized likely endangered by the International Union for Conservation of Nature.
To learn more about the protection of animal life in the Philippines, you may read DENR ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER No. 48 or is also commonly known as Protection and Conservation of Philippine Wild Birds, Mammals, and Reptiles.
If you have reports about exotic animals please call your nearest Public Park or City Vet office in your area. Complaints on exotic animals in Metro Manila falls under the NCR Regional Office and should be forwarded to the Chief of Biodiversity Management Bureau or BDM (formerly PAWB- Protected Areas and Wildlife Bureau).
You may send it through email: philpaws@paws.org.ph
Include the name & designation of the person you spoke to as well as the circumstances of the report so they can help you follow-up
You may also check with the BMB (Biodiversity Management Bureau) at tel. # 924-6031 or DENR at tel #. 435-2509 if the person who has the animal has the proper permits.
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the misfits 2,179